Contemporary patio furniture can be more expensive so it is natural that you want to maximize the life of your investment. There are so many things that you need to consider when buying patio furniture, as well as a few more cleaning and maintenance steps, to ensure that they will grace your outdoor space for a long time. Although contemporary patio furniture is usually tough, you need to keep in mind that nature is sometimes tougher.
When buying patio furniture, one very important thing to consider is the general climate of the place where you live in. There are three main materials that are used to make furniture: wood, plastic and metal. Pick a material that will make the most sense for your climate.
Below are some helpful tips to help you determine the best material for your outdoor furniture, depending on the climate around your area.
- If you live in a place like California, or anywhere else where it is mostly sunny and does not see temperature extremes fluctuating often, you can buy any type of patio furniture as the weather is mild and does not dramatically change.
- While wood might look great, it is actually quite hard to maintain. When you choose to buy wood furniture, you will have to regularly maintain it by wiping it down and applying protective varnish in it. Wood cannot handle extreme cold or hot very well, and is prone to crack in this kind of climate.
- Plastic might be durable but, like wood, it does not deal with temperature extremes very well. In such temperatures, it will warm and distort. If it turns cold and hot frequently, there is a risk that plastic furniture will crack under such harsh conditions.
- Metal just might be the most resilient of the three materials. Aluminum is light and will start to show signs of wear earlier than other materials. Steel is strong but is prone to rusting if there is no layer of paint to protect it from the elements..
Whatever the material, make sure that you buy quality furniture like the ones below.
Diva Resin Outdoor Dining Arm Chair Red - Set of 4 by Compamia. Made with commercial grade resin with gas injection molded legs, this chair is wider and heavier than most chairs its type. It is resistant to saltwater, chlorine and suntan oils, and has a durable and elegant design that is great for both indoor and outdoor use.
Paragon Chaise Lounge by Meadow Décor. Made with fully welded cast aluminum construction, this 1-person seating chaise lounge boasts a revolutionary design and dependable quality. It has a gorgeous Mocha Stone or Black finish with no swivel, and comes with wheels so you can easily move it from one area of your outdoor space to another.
5 Piece Oval Dining Chair Set by All Things Cedar. This set includes a 6-feet oval extension table along with 4 dining chairs. Made from genuine Teak, it is finished with light teak oil with a single butterfly design that allows the table to be expanded to 2 sizes simply by lengthening the ends of the table.